The second performance of the Show Must Go On went on this afternoon on Machmit Island, where the audience was made to feel very welcome and were once again amused by the anticks of its sundry players - do ye have a name for yourselves yet? It afforded me a superb chance to capture acts that I missed in my last post (yet I missed the small woodland animals fleeing violence, as I have a soft spot for such animals and cannot bear to see them suffer).

The audience may look sparse, but that was only because the benches kept complaining about there being no room to sit, and hence we spread out. It was a well-dressed and boisterous crowd.
I crept backstage after the performance and overheard a conversation that leads me to believe we will be treated to future repeat appearances, so if you missed them this time, fear not!
Osprey wants a recitation from me, though I am too old fashioned and dull for such brilliant company, and will perhaps be an entre-acte so that the audiences' pulse might recover a normal rhythm, or put a few of the excitable to sleep. I have promised to think upon it.
I would very much like to have you perform an act of your choice - perhaps an occasional and not regular performance would be something to your liking. We very much need a few more acts as we have had Things Occur which have Drawn Away a few potential stars.
I feel quite confident that, given your fine wit, any act you'd care to add to our little show would be of great value.
Accepted with delight and bursting with pride!
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