Wednesday 4 October 2006

Under Construction

It is not the Bulk of the Fabrick, the Richness and Quantity of the Materials, the Multiplicity of Lines, nor the Gaudiness of Finishing, that give Grace or Beauty to the Building; but the Proportion of the Parts to one another and to the Whole, whether entirely plain, or enriched with a few Ornaments properly disposed.

So writes James Gibb (1682-1754), English architect and author of the Book of Architecture, Containing Designs of Buildings and Ornaments (1728) . One of those designs served as the model for my new home, though I have allowed a certain Roman excess in decorating the central, octogonal hall.

I have learned Corinthian capitals are not easily modelled with prims, so after many days' labour have replaced Gibb's original porch with one following a doric order.

The dust still flies and my modest villa wants a second storey and a roof, but you are most welcome to visit and look around as I work slowly on Improvements over the weeks to come.

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