Saturday 28 July 2007

Drama and Suspense!

The Show Must Go On performed again this weekend, in the very crowded Planet Bohemia. Our brave troupers faced orbiting griefers, stray hippos, missing costumes, premature baldness and abominable lag, proving once again that with vigorousness of wit and sharpness of expression, and a great surfeit of comely humour, they could draw an applause despite all obstacles. I listened remotely over IM to the backstage chatter for the sim was entirely full, managing to slip in upon the final curtain, so you will find no pictures this time. Nevertheless the drama and suspense proved more exciting than if I had been in the stands, as one new problem arose after another to challenge our indomitable producer and keep her on her toes. New members have made their debut, and I have volunteered as understudy to several acts until Doctor Fluxus is ready for his stage appearance. About time I pulled my own weight (which is about a tenth of Salazar's, so he will remain in charge of drawing the curtains!)

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