Journeying onward among these outer isles, I came to Tengu Island (there, Osprey -I have remembered it at last) where I came across a silent warrior on a beautiful, articulated horse! He must have been on a quest, for he paid me no heed as I chased him through snowcapped mountains and bamboo forests, and evidently preferred not to be disturbed. But my kingdom for such a horse!

In a snowy vale I came upon a magnificent organ built by Baron Grayson, and a Dareth Kennedy wyrm. These are artists I should be happy to meet one day.

Just as I was writing this I went back to Tengu Isle for a better picture of the bamboo forest. Happy fortune! As I busied myself composing my picture I heard muffled hoofsteps and looked up to find Shiranui Kubo towering over me! He has the quiet manner befitting a noble swordsman, and we exchanged greetings while dragonflies darted in and out among the bamboo. I was turning to go, when his companion, Nefearia Trilam, appeared out of the woods, also mounted. I must say, I kept my sword drawn, but mainly from vanity, for I believe I would have ended my days there if either of these two felt I were a threat to them!
Update: The lovely horses, complete with flexiprim manes and tails, animated legs (two alternating poses while you walk) and several sounds are by Kristivon Kolache of A Double K Horse Ranch in Calleta 122,88,29.
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