Sunday, 23 October 2011


Today fortune did not grant me the company of the friends I desire so much to see, but my time alone allowed me to travel more widely in Second Life than I have in many years. Here is the beautiful and creative work of many, which I share with you. If you object to my appearing in every photo, it is only because I had no company on this journey. You are welcome to join me next time, and offer us someone else to look at.
Pink Dragons at Tuatha De Danann

Resting on high at Dark Moon

In the Wedding Chapel at Dark Moon

Wendy Xeno's wonderful Gilmour

Beyond one of the doors at Gilmour

Resting my heels in pastoral Mirrormere
Contemplating surrealism at The Path (Lea2)

D'où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous?

Warned to choose wisely, I made the worst choice possible. Pink!
I also visited the Misty Mountains, The Nest and Patch Thibaud's brilliant Majesterium. Pictures anon.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Out of the blue!

 It is only the dead who do not return, and after two hundred and ninety years I think perhaps I cannot die. Salazar found me while I was drinking in a pub in Dublin and recalled me to his lighthouse in Cowell. He will have a photo to prove it, but I am so rusty at the controls I was unable to take a picture before we parted. We may live without poetry, music or art, but I would not live without friends. How lovely to see him and hear news of Osprey and Enjah and HBA. I shall be looking for you all!